Big Why Life

An Online Course To Help You Find Your Purpose, Name Your Big Why, and Live The Life Of Your Dreams

  • How would it feel to have total clarity about your direction in life?
  • How would it feel to wake up each morning with the determination, motivation, and time to pursue the things that matter most to you?
  • What would your life look like in 10 years if you named your purpose and began intentionally moving in the direction of your dreams today?

Whether you're...

  • a high school student who is wrestling with the college admissions process because you're not sure if college or the career you think you might want to pursue is right for you, 
  • a solopreneur or side hustler who is struggling to find balance and feel like the time spent with your work or in your life are thieving from one another,
  • a stay-at-home parent who feels caught in the spin cycle vacillating between overwhelm and boredom,
  • a career-driven professional who is feeling unfulfilled and wondering "Is this all there is?", or
  • a person who has always struggled to say what you want or find the one thing worth sticking with. Tired of waiting for a purposeful, passionate existence to show up on your doorstep, you're determined to become proactive and start making some changes for the better.

No matter who you are or where you're starting from, Big Why Life helps you move towards a more fulfilling life.

We all have the potential for greatness inside of us. 

But if we don’t identify our strengths and explore why we’re not leveraging the greatest gifts we have to their maximum potential, we are leaving a whole lot of our human experience up to chance.

I love a lucky break as much as the next gal, but I'm here to empower more people to make more luck for themselves.

Identifying your Big Why is one of the most powerful tools you have to move into the driver’s seat of your life. The clearer you are on your Big Why, the more readily opportunities for you to live your purpose will present themselves.

Big Why Life, a self-paced, 8 module eCourse to help you name your purpose and live the life of your dreams. 

If you're ready to change your life, there's no better time to get started than right now.

What Is Your Big Why?

Your Big Why is an all-encompassing personal mission statement. It’s a unique blend of your natural talents and interests and how they serve your heart’s desire.

Your Big Why transcends college or career. It's about calling.

For example, my Big Why is to help others actualize their unrealized potential.

As one student pointed out, I kind of cheated when I named my purpose because my Big Why is a two-parter. It starts with supporting folks as they identify the ways they are uniquely gifted to impact our world and then helping them as they come up with a plan to make that idealized vision real.

While you may think that knowing my calling so clearly would be limiting, my Big Why manifests in many different ways in my life in a way that is actually freeing and allows me to pursue myriad ways of fulfilling it.

Here are some of the ways I live out my Big Why...

  • My Big Why is why I love helping digital entrepreneurs facilitate growth in both their mindset and their businesses, helping them identify their specialized ways of serving clients and then come up with ways to compellingly and strategically present those special gifts to prospective clients without giving up having a fulfilling personal life in the process.
  • My Big Why is the primary reason I homeschool my two children. I am passionate about helping them have a deep sense of self and the ability to pursue specialized learning opportunities that are custom-fit to their unique gifts.
  • My Big Why is the reason why, in my former test prep company, I genuinely loved teaching students customizable strategies for getting higher ACT & SAT scores and then translating that into cash for college because I hate the unrealized potential of higher possible scores and free tuition dollars left on the table.
  • My Big Why makes me the person my friends come to when they need to talk through a complex problem or require a (loving) kick in the pants. My friends know I provide a judgement free zone, but that I’ll also be totally honest with them.
  • My Big Why is one of the reasons I love reading and learning new things because it allows me to be the best teacher, mother, and human I can possibly be. After all, I am most happy when I’ve fully tapped my own potential as well.
  • My Big Why is also why I’m so passionate about helping students identify their Big Why because the better you know yourself and your purpose the more positive changes you can make in our world. That benefits you, your family, your community - and, with the far-reaching ripple effects of the purpose-driven life you lead - my life and my children's lives as well.

Does having that kind of clarity about why you do what you do sound restrictive?

To me, it's the most freeing thing in the world because it's an instant filter. It helps me see what I should pursue and what I ought to say no to.

It's a multi-threaded approach to purpose, which is a uniquely Big Why Life spin on the traditionally siloed approach to creating personal mission statements. 

When that multidimensional aspect of a purpose statement is missing, it can lead to burnout, indecision, overworking, FOMO, and self-doubt.

If you're seeking...

  • a different way to name your purpose, one that feels expansive and freeing rather than siloed and restrictive... 
  • a mentor who can support your journey to your most authentic life, not through prescriptive advice about what you should be doing but by gently encouraging you to unearth the clues towards your most authentic life that already exist within you...
  • a toolbox of exercises you can return to as you grow and refine your purpose ever further, providing support whenever course corrections are needed...
  • a shift in mindset that empowers you to create incremental improvements throughout your life - the magic that moves you from stuck in inertia to beginning to create positive momentum in your life - even in areas where you've tried so hard before and failed...'re in the right place. Big Why Life is for you.

Who Is Big Why Life For?

Big Why Life is a self-paced, online course designed to guide you through the process of finding your purpose, crafting your personal mission statement, and creating a plan to live your purpose each and every day.

It's an incredibly powerful and flexible program designed to meet 3 primary groups of people where they are and help them move towards a life that feels more meaningful and fulfilling.

The 3 groups of folks that I typically support with Big Why Life with are...

  • High School & College Students
  • Entrepreneurs
  • The Festivus Crew (You know...for the rest of us...)

The Festivus Crew includes...

  • Career-Questioning Adults
  • Parents - especially stay-at-home parents
  • And folks who are tired of feel lost or stuck and are ready to create a lasting positive change in their lives...

Here's a bit more about how Big Why Life can help you...

  • Students

  • Entreprenuers

  • Career-Questioning Adults

  • Parents

College does not equal education unless you know why you're there.

Colleges have wonderful resources within their hallowed halls, but they don’t come to you. As a student, you have to seek them out.

If you don’t know what you want from the college experience beyond “the college experience”, you’re squandering time, money, and energy.

Just showing up on campus does not make you smart. It does not earn you accolades. It ensures absolutely nothing.

It simply opens one door.

You have to walk through it. And you have to be hungry. But, as any seasoned buffet diner will tell you, you have to be intentional with the time you have to slake that hunger.

With just 4 years to pursue your undergraduate degree, you have to be intentional about the coursework you ingest, the involvements you choose, the networking opportunities you select.

If this seems overwhelming - that it’s too much work or that you’re just too young to know what you want - think about the money you’re about to or are already committing to trying to figure it out while paying to attend a 4 year college.

We’re talking $120,000 - $300,000 in tuition alone.

That’s a house. That’s a Tesla...or 3...

After working in the college admissions space for over a decade, I realized we have a very big problem with how we frame the college question in the United States.

We chase admissions letters and diplomas with reckless abandon - as an end in themselves rather than a means to the end of living out our unique calling.

  • It leads to high school students jumping through admissions hoops without first considering whether college is a good fit for them at this stage of life. 
  • It leads to college graduates investing time, money, and effort to attain a degree that, with a little deeper digging, might easily be pegged as a terrible fit for their personality or vision for their future.
  • It leads to young adults feeling frustrated and desperate to take jobs that they don't want to pay back student loans.
  • It leads to college graduates feeling like failures for not pursuing careers in the field they chose to receive their degree in.
  • It leads to young adults needing a re-do on their education in the form of a graduate degree that does not build upon their undergraduate degree close on the heels of their graduation.

Let's not waste time, shall we?

  • You are never too young to follow your heart's desire. (Or too old, for that matter...)
  • You may not select your "final destination career" from the start, but following your current inklings will send you in the right direction. You can course correct without losing momentum if you set off in a well-reasoned path from the start.
  • Your ideal life may not require a college degree at all.

The best time to determine if you're on the right path is right now.

Don't foreclose on your ideal future by avoiding looking at the truth of your current situation. 

Whether you confirm you're moving in the right direction or decide to take a different tack informed by hopeful soul-searching and practical planning, in 10 years time, you'll be so glad you did this work today.

How Does Big Why Life Work?

Big Why Life is a self-paced, online course delivered in 8 modules that helps you name your purpose and begin to move into greater alignment with your most ideal vision for your life. 

Throughout the program, we’ll peel back the layers on what matters most to you so we can unearth your Big Why together.

Each of the 8 modules consists of:

  • one on-demand video lesson,
  • two exercises to be completed at your own pace, and
  • one survey in which you can share your new insights and ask any questions you may have.

Here’s how the program is laid out...

Part 1: Explore What Is

Module 1: Outside In | How do others see you?
Module 2: Inside Out | What do you value most?
Module 3: Blue Sky Dreaming | What does your ideal life look like?

Part 2: Name Your Big Why

Module 4 & 5: My Big Why | What is your values-driven purpose statement?

Part 3: Live Your Big Why

Module 6: Practical, Tactical Expedition | What goals are in alignment with your Big Why?
Module 7: Every Day Magic | What daily actions move you towards achieving your purpose-driven goals?
Module 8: Becoming More Me | What aspirational values can you begin to embody now to support the legacy you wish to leave?

What To Expect From Each Module

Each of the eight modules of the workshop are led through on-demand videos - which means you can watch the lessons and complete the exercises whenever it fits in your busy schedule.

Each module is comprised of... 

  1. One short video lesson,
  2. Two written exercises to be completed throughout the week, 
  3. One end-of-lesson survey, and
  4. Ongoing reminder emails to support you throughout the program.

For a total commitment of no more than 2 hours per module which you can choose to complete the program either over a single week or every two weeks, you'll begin to take the reins of your life and start to move purposefully in the direction of your dreams.

Here's what a few Big Why Life graduates have to say about the program...

After taking this course, I have much more direction, much greater focus, and feel immeasurably more excited to dive into the future. In a time of noise and fear, this course has given me personal and professional grounding, clarity and inspiration. Without Big Why Life, I wouldn't have gotten rid of the unhelpful things standing in my way. 

Kristen K. // Freelance Copywriter

Whenever anyone would ask me questions about my future, the answer was always “I don’t know”. I still answer that to some questions, but I am more sure of the direction I'm heading. Before this class, I focused more on the degree I should get, then eventually the job. I never realized I should start with myself and the true purpose that I felt I should fulfill.

MacKenzie A // High School Student

Big Why Life is the course I needed as I trudged towards my high school graduation, unsure of the degree I had committed to pursuing but unable to articulate why it felt wrong and what I might prefer to study.

It's the essential kind of work that I needed to revisit again when I began to feel rudderless as an online entrepreneur - and spurred me to sell my first business to found this one.

And it has helped me in my life as a stay-at-home homeschooling parent - supporting me as I lead a values-guided home life that honors my needs and the needs of my family.

This work is impactful and supportive, regardless of where you're beginning your journey.

I will be in it with you every step of the way: charting your progress, exchanging emails with you, and urging you to dive ever deeper.

I hope that you’ll choose to join me because on the other side of this work is a clarity of purpose and an energy of intention that is unmatched.

It’s exactly the kind of positive force that we need in our world right now and you are both capable and deserving of finding your calling and living the purpose-driven life of your dreams.

In a few short weeks...

  • your sense of self will be stronger,
  • your life's direction will be clearer, and 
  • you’ll be able to move with certainty towards goals that truly matter to you.

Join now to begin your journey to gain a clearer vision of the life you imagine yourself, the values you'll live out as you pursue that vision, and the sense of fulfillment that can only come by naming and living out your life's Big Why.

 - Frequently Asked Questions -

Who Is Big Why Life For?

Big Why Life is a course about making the most of your life.

The work in the program supports you doing this helping you:

  • clearly state your core values,
  • cultivate a vision of your ideal life, 
  • craft your personal mission statement, and
  • come up with a plan to live that purpose each and every day.

To that end, Big Why Life is a course for anyone who wishes to live a more purposeful and purpose-filled existence.

It's ideal for college-bound high school students and future-focused college students

It's helpful for entrepreneurs and small business owners who want to live more well-rounded lives and wish to gain more clarity in their messaging too.

It's supportive for corporate ladder climbers and career workers who are questioning their calling or wondering if a paycheck is all that there is for them anymore.

It's also a must for parents (particularly stay-at-home parents) who wish to show up as their best selves for themselves and their kids and partners each and every day.

It's for all of us who are curious about what we might accomplish if we had the clarity, vision, and action plan to do our most fulfilling work each and every day.

Do you offer payment plans?

My goal is to make Big Why Life as accessible as possible. To that end, you have 2 options for payment. 

  1. A one-time fee of $347
  2. Two monthly fees of $187

You are welcome to select whichever option is the better fit for you at checkout.

What are the details of your 14 day satisfaction guarantee?

I have been in the online education space a long time and, if there's one thing I hate, it's a messy, complicated refund policy.

Here are the full details with regard to my 14 day refund policy...

It is my sincerest hope that you love the work I share with you in Big Why Life. That said, your purpose is far too important to waste any time with mentors or programs that do not serve you. If you decide that Big Why Life is not for you, you have 14 days from your date of purchase to notify me by email at that you'd like to receive a refund. I will process your request and the full amount will be credited back to you in the original form of payment.

That's it. No loopholes or fine print.

My greatest joy is watching my students soar. If you feel this course is not for you, it can't help you do that. I genuinely hope you find other resources that will help you do just that.

Can I purchase a group license for my company, organization, or club?

Yes! Absolutely.

I love supporting groups as they navigate Big Why Life because I find that it tremendously helpful to do this kind of work in community.

Not only can your community provide feedback and accountability, it can be incredibly supportive to share your revelations and hear what other folks are unearthing in themselves through the process.

I have a number of options and pricing tiers available for licensing of Big Why Life so please reach out to me by filling out the form below and I will be in touch.

How long does each module take to complete?

Each of the 8 modules in the program take no more than 2 hours to complete.

I send reminder emails to begin work in the next module either every week or every other week based on the ideal pacing that you select in your Welcome Survey once you've registered for the course.

When will I receive access to a new module?

When you join Big Why Life, you will have the ability to access the entire program...with a slight caveat...

The progression of the lessons in Big Why Life is really important.

It's vital that you do the work in order. And it is ideal that you give each lesson some time to settle in before moving to the next one.

To support your efforts in this, you won't be able to click through to the next lesson until you've completed the prior one. 

Trust me. I get it. I'm a jump-around kinda gal myself. I love listening to my audiobooks at 1.5x too.

But you will progress further, faster if you go in order here. Each step is vital so I've crafted the flow of the program to ensure your greatest possible success. And slowing down a bit - giving yourself time to begin to embody each lesson before jumping to the next - will only enhance your growth and ensure that this time the lessons come with you and genuinely impact your life moving forward.

All in good time, young padawan. 

How often will you email me throughout the program?

In addition to a handful of welcome emails to ensure you're have access to the course and are supported in getting started, I will send you a weekly or fortnightly reminder email about the next module either every week or every other week based on the ideal pacing that you select in your Welcome Survey once you've registered for the course.

I will also send you notifications when your access to the course is about to expire so you can make sure you download your workbooks before your access expires.

What if I have questions throughout the course?

I take my commitment to my students very seriously. 

Throughout the course, I will email you to help keep you on track and progressing through the program.

You are also welcome to share your journey with me via the surveys that I provide at the end of each lesson or you can email me directly to ask any follow up questions you may have.

How long will I have access to Big Why Life?

Your purchase grants you access to Big Why Life for 6 months; however, the 8 modules can be completed in a few as 8 weeks. 

You're also welcome to download and keep the PDF workbooks that accompany each module so that you can return to the work at a later date and time.

I have a different question. Can you help me?

Of course! Just drop your question in the form below and I will be in touch!

Your Most Fulfilling Future Awaits

No matter where you fall on the spectrum of totally lost to slightly out of alignment, Big Why Life is here to help.

The resources and tools I share throughout the program will help you begin to live a life of tremendous fulfillment and purpose.

Join now to begin your journey today!
