A Conversation With Jody Maberry, Former Park Ranger Turned Copywriting & Podcasting Expert

By Lauren Gaggioli

It's no secret that of my favorite parts of hosting a podcast for entrepreneurs is hearing all the twists and turns that others' entrepreneurial paths have taken. But what's surprised me to no end are the stories my friends have shared that I had no idea were part of their journey.

Today's interview is no exception. Not only is he one of the very best podcast hosts in the business with a ridiculous number of episodes under his belt, Jody Maberry is also one of the kindest gents you'll ever hope to meet.

We met many years ago at a conference for entrepreneurs. I've appeared on a few podcast episodes of his to talk about SEO for solopreneurs, hassle him about his unfinished books, and - most recently - to share my experience of narrating an audiobook - a project I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to be part of and was only able to work on due to Jody's generous recommendation.

I cannot wait for you to hear Jody's story. We had a good time on this one and I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed recording it.

About Jody Maberry

Jody Maberry is a content creation and brand building expert who specializes in copywriting and podcast hosting. He supports numerous entrepreneurs and small businesses as they share their message with the world.

The consummate creative with a relentless spirit of adventure, Jody is a masterful communicator who regularly keynotes at a wide variety of events and conferences about everything from entrepreneurship to forestry to Disney and beyond!

Feeling A Little Lost In The Woods On Your Entrepreneurial Adventure?

It happens! And, when it does, it's a great time to zoom out and see if you can regain perspective on what's working and what isn't in your business.

Sometimes the sheer weight of the tools you've taken on to handle all the tasks in your business is bogging you down so much that it's time to reassess.

To help you do just that, I've created a free mini course - The Digital Entrepreneur's Toolkit - in which I share the only 3 tools you need to succeed in your business. 

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