Lost Cats & Lonely Guest Rooms

By Lauren Gaggioli

You might be a lonely entrepreneur if you sometimes hear opening strains of "The Sound Of Silence" start to play as you head to the corner of your guest room to start working on your business after everyone else in your home has gone to bed.


Listen: 2 things are true.

  1. There is nothing in the world I'd rather do to make a living than build online courses and record podcasts.
  2. Some days the lift is so heavy that it feels like a curse to be entrepreneurially minded.

And, to make matters more confusing, I sometimes feel this at the exact same time.

It can be crazy making. But what makes it uncrazy are the people I'm lucky enough to call my entrepreneurial friends. I love that I don't have to contextualize everything for them. I don't have to explain what I mean in the way I do for folks who don't work for themselves.

And - here's the reality - the way I've met most of them is by attending entrepreneurial conferences. Or, in the case of Teri Holland, our second guest here on The Digital Entrepreneur's Toolkit Podcast, by guesting on other folks' podcasts via the matchmaking service PodMatch*.

So if you'd like to start expanding your community to include a few people with whom you don't have to translate everything into something that makes sense to folks who have never wrestled with Zapier API integrations or double-opt-in configurations, I highly recommend carving out some time to attend a conference for entrepreneurs or heading to PodMatch* to share your expertise on someone else's platform.

Who knows! You just might make a new friend in the process.

*This is my PodMatch affiliate link. You will not be charged extra by using it but I will receive a small commission should you choose to sign up for the PodMatch service.

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