A Conversation with Nick Corona, Owner & Head Brewer of Five Suits Brewing

By Lauren Gaggioli

When I wanted to start a podcast for entrepreneurs, one person that I knew wanted to feature was homebrewing pal Nick Corona. Nick is the owner and head brewer of Five Suits Brewing in Vista, CA. We initially met through our homebrewing community in San Diego, CA.

Whether we were sharing pours of homebrew at QUAFF meetings, competing against each other in the Stone Brewing Homebrew Competition, or tipping one back at the Great American Beer Festival in Denver, we've always had a great time tasting incredible beer together.

Nick's the kind of guy who is curious, inventive, and relentless. When it became clear his ambitions reached beyond dominating homebrew competitions, my husband Mike and I were thrilled because, let's face it, his beer is bonkers good.

Einmal, please and thank you!

Since moving to Seattle, we've continued to follow his journey to professional brewer closely. There have been ups and downs but, through it all, Nick's commitment to quality has been readily apparent, even at a distance.

So today we're going to dive in and unpack what it takes to go from inciting sip of inspiration thanks to Avery Brewing's Maharaja to getting great beer made on the professional scale.

Cheers to Nick for joining me - and to you for listening! 

About Nick Corona

Nick is the owner and head brewer of Five Suits Brewing in Vista, California where - alongside his wife Kandy and parents Joe and Leslie, he brews incredible beers.

He got his start in the homebrewing world winning numerous awards and accolades for many brews but, in particular, Barb's Hef.

Nick is also a Casino Manager at Valley View Casino & Hotel.

Ready To Brew Up Some Online Business Success Of Your Own?

As Nick reminds us in this episode, very often the most important thing to do once you've locked a halfway decent recipe is to focus on process.

This starts with assessing the business tools in your toolkit.

Drop your name and email address below to begin leaning out and refining your approach to your online business systems today.
