Spark & Start Sessions
Online Business Coaching For Digital Entrepreneurs

Meet your online business coach, Lauren Gaggioli
Hey there, entrepreneur!
I am beyond thrilled to meet you. (Yes! You!)
Because entrepreneurs are my kind of people.
- We are scrappy and inventive.
- We're hardworking and hopeful.
- We invest our energy, money, and time in our businesses today because we know they have the power to create positive change in the world tomorrow.
I love all of that about us. We're an amazing group of people.
But - let's face it - the online business landscape can be pretty ruthless. The seemingly infinite reach of the internet and hoodie-clad, hustle-culture-pushers make promises of endless reach to millions of people. Success is riiiiiiiight there. So close we can nearly taste it.
But it's all too easy to lift our heads up from doing our hard, important work and realize that all we're hearing is crickets and our bank accounts are empty.
We started our online business to create more impact in the world. And we did it for more personal freedom. If we're not realizing even half of that promise, what are we doing?
After selling my first online business in 2021, I decided to offer online business coaching alongside my SEO services because I wanted to help others who were feeling lost.
We need more online business coaches who are actually doing the strategic work of growing online businesses in a wide variety of niches, not those who are growing coaching businesses teaching untested online business theories.
If you agree, here are the next right steps to book your very first coaching call...
Signing Up For Online Business Coaching Is Simple...
Step 1. Book Your First Online Business Coaching Session
Take 5 minutes to reserve your 50-minute coaching call on my calendar.
When you book your online coaching session, you’ll pay to reserve your time and complete a short survey with a few key questions that will help frame our conversation.
That's all you need to do to get the ball rolling today.
Not ready to commit to a private coaching? Consider joining a group coaching session first...
Step 2. Join Me On Zoom
When the day arrives for us to meet (hooray!), we'll hop on Zoom and get to work.
During your coaching call, we will delve into the particulars of your situation and come up with a plan that feels right in your gut, moves your business forward, and checks out strategically against all that I have learned - and continue to learn - as a digital entrepreneur.
Step 3. Clear Next Right Steps Will Be Emailed To You!
Within 48 hours of our call, I will follow up by email with clear, concise suggestions for next steps you can take to move towards the goals we've discussed and links to any additional resources I may have referenced during our call.
If it makes sense to do so, I will also share ways that I can continue to support you and your business goals.
Whether we're a good fit for future work together or our meeting is a one-and-done affair, you will leave your coaching call with clear insights into the best next steps you need to take to accomplish your business goals.
What Makes Your Online Business Coaching Different?
I've been in the online business game since 2014.
In that time, I have I built and sold a passive income business for 6-figures. I also I take on consulting clients in a variety of niches and improve their digital marketing strategy with data-informed strategies and SEO-optimized copywriting.
I keep up-to-date on organic marketing trends, regularly read entrepreneurial books, attend conferences for entrepreneurs, and learn from my peers as I record new podcast episodes for my show, The Digital Entrepreneur's Toolkit.
I am not an online business coach building an online coaching business. I'm an entrepreneur who has opened up time in her consulting schedule to coach.
While my lived experience certainly means that I bring a great deal of expertise to our 1-on-1 coaching session, it most importantly ensures that our conversation will not be a pie-in-the-sky discussion. We will discuss high-level strategies but not without considering the energetic and actual costs of their implementation.
Of my top five Gallup Strengths, four are strategic. And these strategic strengths pair well with my fifth strength: Achiever.
I'm big on turning ideas into reality.
Casting vision, mapping plans, and delivering the goods are my jam.
Our conversation will be equal parts Blue Sky dreaming and practical, tactical brilliance. (And, possibly, Hamilton lyrics.)
If you are...
- tired of working non-stop,
- sick of watching your business like a hawk waiting for it to deliver promised riches, or
- feel like you're ready to socially advance your business to the next level,
...don't stall another moment.
I believe you have it in you to run an even more successful business than you are today. Sometimes all we need is a little temperature check or a small course correction to generate a significant impact in our business and our lives.
I can't wait to partner with you to find solutions to the challenges you're currently facing.
Online Business Coaching Built By
An Entrepreneur, For Entrepreneurs
Theory sucks. Data-informed experience is better.
My online business coaching is for you if you are...
Not ready to commit to private online business coaching? Consider joining an online mastermind call first...