Digital Entrepreneurs'

Online Mastermind Group

Group Coaching for Online Entrepreneurs

Looking for an online mastermind group with a little less talk, a lot more action? You're in the right place!

Welcome to the most productive & profitable corner of the internet.

Here, our vibe is all about focus and fun. Because the whole point of starting an online business is to build a life of freedom and flexibility.

If you're searching for a group coaching experience that's flexible and affordable and led by an online entrepreneur who's built (and sold) a profitable passive income business, I've got you covered!

This mastermind isn't like any other virtual masterminds out there.

Here's how my online mastermind works to support you as you work towards building the online business - and life - of your dreams.

How The Online Mastermind Group Works

While there are many wonderful options for virtual mastermind groups, I've found none of them fit my needs.

Many are either prohibitively expensive or require a significant, consistent time commitment. 

As the host of a podcast for entrepreneurs, creator of online courses for entrepreneurs, and a busy homeschooling mompreneur, my calendar is a difficult game of time block Tetris on a normal week.

If one of my kids gets sick, I attend an entrepreneurial conference, or we go on a family vacation, all bets are off!

I figured I wasn't the only one out there facing these kinds of challenges, so I set out to shift what an online mastermind group conventionally looks like to meet scrappy (busy) entrepreneurs like yourself where you are.

With this mastermind, you can get the group coaching you need in a way that fits into the boundaries set by your business and your life.

With that in mind, I've crafted our group coaching calls to be as flexible and affordable as possible.

  • The mastermind group meets on Mondays at 4p (Pacific) and Thursdays at 12p (Pacific).
  • Each 60-minute call is capped at 4 entrepreneurs so everyone has ample time to address whatever questions they have or challenges they face.
  • If only 1 person shows up, the entire hour is theirs. It becomes a private online business coaching session at a steal.
  • You can purchase single sessions as-needed or sign up for a use-whenever-you-like digital punch card for 3 or 6 sessions at a time. 

If you're ready to get started, there's no time like the present! Hit the button below, select the date and time from my calendar that work for you, and let's get to work!

Meet Your Online Mastermind Host

Meet Lauren Gaggioli, your online business coach.

Hi! I’m Lauren Gaggioli.

I’ve been an entrepreneur since 2008. In that time, I’ve:

  • built two educational businesses - one in-home tutoring company and one ACT & SAT prep business run entirely via asynchronous online courses,
  • hosted a successful podcast with over 300,000 downloads and 80+ 5-star reviews,
  • sold my asynchronous online course business to a colleague in the industry, and 
  • founded a new company (this one!) where I host the Digital Entrepreneur's Toolkit Podcast, teach a  DIY SEO course for entrepreneurs, and offer private online business coaching as well as this virtual mastermind.

I'm thoroughly committed to empowering my fellow digital entrepreneurs to build and grow their businesses more strategically and more profitably than I did with my first venture.

I’ve invested thousands of hours (and dollars!) in ongoing education both in practical, tactical online business strategies and in leveling up my mindset. I’ve attended and spoken at numerous entrepreneurial conferences and met incredible, kind-hearted entrepreneurs, many of whom I now count among my dearest friends.

Through all of this work, I’ve unearthed my Big Why and it is this…

I am here to help others actualize their unrealized potential.

What this pithy little statement does for me is point me to True North each and every day. 

It is my life’s calling to help folks like yourself identify the areas of their businesses where they aren’t fully leveraging the opportunities available to them. Then I help them come up with a plan to take the action necessary to achieve the results they’re looking for.

Helping you fully realize your potential and bring that potential to bear in the marketplace and in your life beyond business is my calling.

So if that sounds like something you could use help with then I am here to support you!

Frequently Asked Questions

Who Is The Mastermind Group Best For?

The online mastermind works best for digital entrepreneurs who want help working through specific challenges in their business or who are in need of feedback at particular crossroads in their business. It's great for those who appreciate gaining helpful tips and insights from others.

How Much Does The Mastermind Group Cost?

Single Session: $75

Package of 3: $195($65 per session)

Package of 6: $360 ($60 per session)

When Does The Online Mastermind Group Meet?

The mastermind group meets most Mondays at 4p (Pacific) and Thursdays at 12p (Pacific). I maintain a rolling calendar so you'll always have at least 2 months of visibility to what's on the horizon so you can block your calendar accordingly.

Schedule Of Upcoming Mastermind Sessions

- A Few More Frequently Asked Questions -

How many people can join each online mastermind session?

I limit every group coaching call to just 4 entrepreneurs. This ensures that everyone has time in the spotlight to ask their business questions and gain the support they need to:

  • stop the spin cycle and determine their next right business step, 
  • address the mindset blocks that are keeping them from making progress, or
  • discover practical tools or strategies that can help them level up faster.

What will we work on during the mastermind call?

The short answer is anything you want to work on. Because my virtual mastermind group is capped at just 4 entrepreneurs, you will have my full attention for at least 15 minutes to bring any questions you have or roadblocks you're working through.

During these sessions, the mastermind group is here to help you...

  • work through any challenges you’re facing in your business, 
  • workshop new ideas before you develop them into products and services,
  • provide accountability to the action you committed to in a previous session, and
  • support you as you optimize your strategic approach and celebrate your wins.

What happens if I’m the only one who books a mastermind session?

Winner, winner. Chicken dinner!

While I open up 4 spots for each hour-long group coaching call, if you’re the only person who reserved a spot for the session, you get a private online business coaching session with me for the price of the mastermind session.

If even 1 person signs up, I will be there with bells on prepared to support you and your business goals. 

What kinds of questions should I bring to the mastermind group?

Honestly, you are welcome to bring anything you like that pertains to your business. 

This is a great place to:

  • workshop ideas for new products or services you’d like to offer,
  • get feedback on copy you’ve crafted for your emails or website,
  • talk through specific challenges or roadblocks you’re facing, or
  • discuss your workflow with an eye on improving your systems.

You’re also highly encouraged to bring your wins so we can celebrate with you. It’s always nice to have your success acknowledged by those who understand how hard won those victories are. 

We’re here to join you when you’re on top of the mountain, down in the valley, or anywhere in between on this entrepreneurial adventure. 

How far in advance can I book my group coaching sessions?

You must reserve your spot no later than 48 hours prior to the session, but I have the full schedule published up to 3 months out so you can plan ahead and reserve future meetings on your calendar in advance.

While you’re able to change your reservation until 48 hours prior to the session because, ya know, life happens, I want to help as many entrepreneurs as possible with this mastermind. 

With that spirit of collaboration in mind, please reserve only the times that you’re genuinely committed to attending.

What if I have a package that’s expiring and there aren’t enough open sessions for me to book?

Listen… we’re all professionals here. Please pick a package that you’re reasonably certain you have the time to take full advantage of before it expires.

You have 180 days (about 6 months) to use your packages. And I offer two meetings per week most weeks.

I also keep tabs on how many of your fellow digital entrepreneurs have purchased packages to ensure that I have enough room to accommodate everyone who has reserved time with me.

I do everything in my power to ensure that you will have the access you need to fulfill your packages, but it is your responsibility to show up and use what you have signed up for before the deadline.

What if I prefer private online business coaching to a group mastermind experience?

Prefer to fly solo? That's great too!

You can book a single hour-long session of my private online business coaching offerings below. 

Ready To Get The Support Of An Online Mastermind Group 

That's Committed To Helping You Take Massive Action?

It's super easy to get started! Click the button below to schedule your very first online group coaching call! I can't wait to meet you!