How Boring Is Your Business?

By Lauren Gaggioli

Gosh we love our online businesses. But do you sometimes feel like it's a little too exciting?

In my last conversation with Nick Corona, he emphasized the importance of process over recipe.

Which, because I think in movie quotes, instantly made me think of Ben Stein's character from Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

Bueller. Bueller. Anyone? Bueller?

Because - let's face it - most of us are not here in the entrepreneurial world because we are methodical. We're often here because we love the dopamine rush of pulling all the levers available to us.

Social and services and conferences and products and mass emails and YouTube and masterminds and podcasts and...

I'm not alone here, am I?

It's a bitter pill to swallow, but the reality is that when we are engaging in too many activities that deliver a dopamine hit from variable rewards, we are seriously depleting ourselves and undermining our business's potential.

So let's let Nick's advice about brewing be a lesson to us all.

You want to win big? Take some time to focus on the "boring" minutae and track your results over time.

You just might find that it helps you hit the jackpot in way that shooting-from-the-hip grand gestures never did.

Want Help Being Boring? I've Got You! 😉 

Nothing depletes a business's bank account and a business owner's energy faster that redundant, overly complicated systems that slowly and silently undercut your bottom line and your brain's efficency.

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