Magical Vacation Services: An SEO Case Study for an eCommerce Website

By Lauren Gaggioli

For this SEO case study, is my great honor to feature my dear friend and client, Scott Connors, and his eCommerce website Magical Vacation Services.

Magical Vacation Services provides Disney World grocery delivery services as well as a wide selection Disney gift baskets and Disney surprise boxes that can be delivered in-room to your Disney World or Orlando area resort or shipped to you nationwide.

SEO Starting Point

Scott and I met at an entrepreneurial conference in fall of 2022 and began working together the following spring.

Prior to working together, Magical Vacation Services averaged about 100 new users via organic traffic each month for the previous year.

Revenue was largely driven through word-of-mouth and travel agent referrals.

While the business was growing, it was doing so incrementally and was heavily reliant upon ongoing outreach efforts that Scott was managing himself.

The Organic Marketing Strategy

After a few SEO coaching sessions, Scott and I drafted our strategic SEO goals, which were to:

  • Conduct keyword research that encompassed both existing products and potential new product offerings,
  • Improve the searchability and user experience on Magical Vacation Services' core sales pages, and
  • Craft an organic content plan that drove cold traffic via informational queries that indicated they were in the market to become clients immediately.

SEO Results & Revenue Increases

Within 6 months engaging me to support the organic search growth of the company, Scott was able to boost Magical Vacation Services' traffic by 44% in the last 6 months of 2023 as compared to the last 6 months of 2022.

While increasing traffic is the heart of SEO work, I pride myself on ensuring that increased traffic leads to a boosted bottom line.

For the same time period, Magical Vacation Services' revenue has increased by 23%, which is the true hallmark of a winning organic content strategy

However, the upward trend is even steeper than those end-of-year numbers suggest, as Magical Vacation Services' revenue for January 2024 has seen a 91% increase over January 2023.

This is the magic of a quality SEO strategy: when you begin to gain momentum, your traffic and your revenue continue to increase. 

Ready To Discover A More Lucrative Way To Market?

Your website is one of your business's most valuable assets, but you're likely leaving money on the table.

To learn more about where you're starting from so you can chart your next right steps to increased impact and income, sign up for a free SEO website audit today.

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