Yay! You're Here!

Hi there! Thank you so much for stopping by today.
I'm Lauren Gaggioli, the namesake of this snappy URL. (It was super easy to get, by the way. Turns out I might be the only Lauren Gaggioli around.)
Whether you landed here thanks to the magic of SEO (yay Google!), found me through the digital entrepreneur grapevine, or just thought my name seemed kind of funny and wanted to see what all the vowels were about, I am honored that you have taken the time to visit my digital doorstep.
So, first of all, thank you for being here. I'm glad to have made a new friend today.
Because - let's face it - this online entrepreneurship thing ain't for the faint of heart.
The Lonely Path Of A Digital Entrepreneur
I love the work I get to do as a digital entrepreneur. There's nothing I'd rather do than build online businesses.
And I'll bet you feel the same.
The freedom and flexibility of this work is why I have such gratitude for being born in a time when the internet exists.
What an amazing gift it is to be able to be home with my kids and make an impact on the world while also making a great income with relative ease.
This is something that would've been darn near impossible 30 years ago.
But - incredible as it is - life as an online entrepreneur gets lonely sometimes, doesn't it?
When I started building my first online business, an online ACT & SAT test prep company, in 2014 after working as an in-home tutor for the previous 7 years, I spent a lot of time cooped up my in guest bedroom/office working myself ragged getting that company off the ground.
From curriculum design to sales calls to podcast production to website design, I was wearing a lot of hats in service of bootstrapping my way to profitability.
And while I genuinely enjoyed the work I was doing, I learned a lot of what not to do along the way. I also discovered a whole new way to be a business owner after I had kids and the responsibilities of full-time momming joined my to-do list.
Having kids and a business helped me learn that I needed to get centered in my sense of self and craft a purpose statement that encompassed a life beyond my business.
Because, even if you love being a digital entrepreneur, the whole point isn't to work ourselves to the bone. It's to have the freedom to live a life that we love.
So when I realized that my first business wasn't in alignment with my life's purpose, I decided to make a change.
I sold my first company in 2021 and went all in creating online courses and resources to support my favorite people on the planet: digital entrepreneurs.
So, How Can I Help You Today?
Whether you're a scrappy solopreneur, a side hustler, or an online entrepreneur leading a small team of consultants, welcome.
The resources below are for you.
In addition to writing articles about my favorite resources (like my eCommerce Tech Stack) and my favorite entrepreneurial mindset tips, I also host free Entrepreneur Workshops monthly and offer SEO services - like website audits and content strategy consulting - an organic marketing course, and a pay-as-you-go virtual mastermind group for entrepreneurs.
I hope you'll join me in any and all ways that serve you and your business best.
Now let's get to work...
Ready To Grow Your Online Business?
Only 10% of online businesses succeed. Here's how I help digital entrepreneurs like you become part of the successful minority...
As-Needed Virtual Mastermind
We grow stronger online businesses when we work side-by-side. I've crafted my online mastermind group to be flexible and affordable no matter where you are in your online business journey. Best of all, your first group coaching session is just $25 with discount code FRIEND.